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Do you know the origin of the Imperial Concubine Chair?

Release time:2023-04-20 14:33:32  Number of views:90

Do you know the origin of the Imperial Concubine Chair? The sitting style of the imperial concubine chair is a bit different from that of the sofa, and it should be more lazy! More casual! Legend has it that Yang Guifei was lazily reclining in a chair, charming and charming. Emperor Xuanzong of Tang was captivated from then on, and the Guifei chair was truly a remarkable invention! The charm of nature cannot be disguised, and the design of the imperial concubine chair is to make people unconsciously enjoy comfort. Laziness is one of the spirits of a happy life.


When returning home, one should maintain a lazy and leisurely spirit anytime and anywhere, so as not to disappoint their hardworking self. The imperial concubine chair exudes laziness and relaxation, making the home space appear more casual and casual. It is in line with the needs of modern urbanites.

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